Lest es Euch bitte mal durch und sagt mir was Ihr davon haltet bzw. ob irgendwelche Probleme auftreten.
Ich persönlich finde die Features recht praktisch 😀
Feature list for the ajax_features MOD 1.x
This MOD contains all the features that came with the basic_ajax_features
MOD, although they have been changed in design and behavior. For those who
don't know the basic_ajax_features MOD, here is a list of all features
introduced by this MOD. Please note that those features work "on the fly",
meaning that you don't have to submit a form in order to have your data
validated or to take specific action (watch topic).
To use these features, you need to have JavaScript enabled, and if you use
IE before version 7 you also need to have ActiveX enabled. If you don't have
JS or ActiveX enabled, the features will not work, but you can still use the
forum as if the features were never there.
-> Registration/Profile
- Username validation (taken, forbidden)
- E-mail validation (taken, forbidden, banned)
- Password check: check if password and confirmed password are the same
-> Posting topics/posts
- Username validation (guests only)
- Quicksearch feature (when leaving the title field the system searches
for posts with the keywords in your title; New topic only)
- Instant preview: Clicking on the preview button will show the preview
message instantly.
-> Posting PMs
- Username search/validation: when typing a username and pausing for a
little bit, the username is checked. If a user with that name was found
the system does nothing. If there is no user with such name, the system
searches all users whos names start with the name you entered, and
displays the results in a list. If no user was found, an error message
will be shown.
- Subject validation: if you don't enter a subject for the message, you
will see a reminder message.
- Instant preview: Clicking on the preview button will show the preview
message instantly.
-> Forum index
- Mark forums read: you can mark single forums as read by clicking the
icon of the forum. You must be logged in to use this feature. If you
are not logged in, the page will reload with the topic marked as read.
-> Viewing forums
- Edit topic titles from viewforum. Simply doubleclick the cell with the
topic title to edit it. To save the new title, hit the return key or
click the "Save changes" button. To cancel editing, hit the escape key
or click the "Cancel" button. This also works when displaying search
results by topics. You can edit all subjects you're authorized for;
normal users may edit their own topics, moderators all topics.
- Mark topics read: you can mark single topics as read by clicking the
icon of the topic. You must be logged in to use this feature. If you
are not logged in, the page will reload with the topic marked as read.
-> Moderator control panel
- Edit topic titles like on viewforum. Please note that the escape and
return key have no function in this file. Hitting Return will simply
submit the ModCP form, there is no way to work around this.
-> Viewing topics
- Edit post subjects and post texts directly on viewtopic.
To edit the post title, simply doubleclick the title (including the
words "Post subject"). To save the subject hit the return key or click
the "Save changes" button. To cancel editing, hit the escape key or
click the "Cancel" button.
To edit the post text, click the edit button. To see the full editor,
click the "Show full editor" link underneath the textbox. To save the
message, click the "Save changes" button, and to cancel editing, simply
hit the escape key or click the "Cancel" button. You can make the text
box bigger and smaller by clicking the "+" and "-" buttons.
These features also work when displaying search results by posts, but
note that you can only edit the post title, and not the topic title.
You can edit all posts you're authorized for; normal users may edit
their own posts, moderators all posts.
- View poll results instantly: if you have not yet voted in a poll you
can view the results of the poll without refreshing the page. Just
click the "View results" link, AJAX will do the rest for you.
- View poll ballot from results: if you're viewing the results of a poll,
and you have not yet voted in that poll, you see a link to jump back to
the ballot. This works in AJAX and "classic" modes.
- Vote in polls instantly: if you have not yet voted in a poll you can
vote directly without having to refresh the page. Just click the "Vote"
button like you usually would.
- Watch/Unwatch topics: If you click the watch topic link, the site will
not refresh, but the link will change and you'll be watching the topic.
- Lock topic instantly (moderators only): If you click the "lock topic"
link at the bottom of a topic, the topic will be locked without
refreshing the page.
-> Username search:
- Instant search: works the same way as when posting a PM. Just type and
pause for an instant, you'll see the results. When you choose a
username from the dropdown box, it will automatically be sent back to
the calling page.
-> Group control panel (adding group members):
- Added automatic username search as mentioned above
-> Admin control panel:
- Added automatic username search as mentioned above in the following
- Banning users
- Editing group settings (group moderator)
- Editing user permissions (user select form)
- Editing user preferences (user select form)