Information found on the Living Dead Media website reveals: Our reboot of Return of the Living Dead will expand the existing world created by the original 5 films, while staying true to the R-rated, sci-fi, horror, dark comedy roots adored by fans of the cult classic around the world for the last 35 years. We are excited to resurrect this storied franchise for current fans and new generations of zombie fans.
Here’s the set up: Taking place 18 months after the events at the UNEEDA Warehouse in Louisville, KY, a new Trioxin 2-4-5 leak puts a small Pennsylvania town on the brink of a zombie outbreak during Christmas, 1985. If surviving a zombie outbreak isn’t hard enough, the characters and the Army will have to also contend with blizzard conditions. This Christmas, it’s Tarman who will be coming to town. Since it picks up after the events of the original film, you could call this a sequel rather than a reboot. (
The filmmakers promise a BLOODY STUNNING new chapter, made with NO CGI and all PRACTICAL FX.
Von der langen Verlängerungsschnur mal abgesehen, finde ich den Teaser gar nicht mal schlecht. Leider ist Steve Wolsh ein schlechter Regisseur: Seine bisherigen Filme ("Muck", "Kill her Goats" und "Fog City") gingen optisch ebenfalls in Ordnung und hatten auch nette "handgemachte" Effekte - waren aber trotzdem allesamt unterdurchschnittlich. Also sind die Vorab-Erwartungen erst einmal im Keller...