dÆmonicus schrieb
Death Note (2017)
Da ich mich über den Film geärgert habe, habe ich auch keine Lust zum übersetzen.
There is so much wrong with this movie that I don't know where to start. The guy and the girl didn't had any chemistry at all, the acting of both of them was below average, the character development ridiculous and first part felt like a Final Destination rip off. Additionally there were so many details that didn't fit. I think the scene where he reveals the secret of the book shows everything what's wrong with it: "Hey girl I've talked now for 10 seconds let me tell you how I kill people. Oh by the way let's make out." Not to forget the bad choice of music. Especially the final song sucks big time. The only decent things were the SFX and the voice of Ryuk.
Den nehm ich mir auf jeden Fall auch noch vor.
Die Stimmen, die ich so gelesen haben, heben meine Zuversicht allerdings noch... zuminbdest auf ein solides Level 😉