Porter schriebGerade ein Schnäppchen bei CD-Wow ergattert:
Für coole
7.95 US-Dollar (knapp 6.60 Euro) über den 2-Dollar-Link, geil. 😁
2Disc Collectors Edition
Special Features:
Audio Commentary by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones
Audio Commentary by John Cleese, Eric Idle and Michael Palin
‘Follow The Killer Rabbit’ Featurette
Original Mono Soundtrack
Three Karaoke Sing-Alongs
‘The Quest For The Holy Grail Locations’ Documentary
‘How To Use Your Coconuts’ Educational Film
Monty Python And The Holy Grail in Japanese
Monty Python And The Holy Grail in Lego
‘On Location With The Pythons’ Featurette
Henry VII Act II Subtitle Track
On-screen Screenplay
Cast and Crew Filmographies
Original Artwork and Sketches
Unused Ideas
Photo Gallery
Theatrical Trailers
Interactive Menu
Scene Access
A Copy of the Movie's Screenplay
Limited Edition Senitype
Limited Art Cards